Painting prostitutes, Pakistani brushes off religious hard-liners

It’s hot and sweaty in a rat-infested room in Lahore’s historic red light district, a neighborhood of narrow alleyways lined with brothels. A barefoot, long-haired woman is gyrating and twirling on the carpet, to the beat of a four-man band whose drummer sweats profusely as he pounds out a furious rhythm. The dancer, who only gives her first name, Beenish, is performing a kind of Pakistani belly-dance called the mujra


White House already on a hunt to replace Souter

A process begun months ago among White House lawyers to quietly compile a list of possible Supreme Court picks has accelerated with word Justice David Souter plans to step down form the bench later this year. The nominee would give President Obama an immediate opportunity to place his stamp on the nation’s highest court, and perhaps to begin cementing his legacy with a lifetime appointment to that bench. Obama on Friday said he will seek “somebody with a sharp, independent mind and a record of excellence and integrity.” That person must honor traditions, respect the judicial process and share Obama’s grasp of constitutional values, he said


Poor Latinos are victims of abuse nationwide, activists say

Low-income Latinos are routinely discriminated against in the South, a new report says, but the study’s author and others say the problem exists nationwide, with millions of Spanish-speaking immigrants living "beyond the protection of the law." The report, released Wednesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center, documents the experiences of 500 immigrants in the South, finding that Latinos routinely are cheated out of wages, are denied basic health protection and fall victim to racial profiling.


Paying for College: What to Do When Your 529 Is Tanking

Buoyed by a run of good news in the stock market, I recently decided to check the balance in my son’s 529 college savings account for the first time in many months. To my dismay, the account was still down some 40% from a year ago, far below the amount my husband and I had originally invested. Given the extent of the losses, I couldn’t help but wonder: would it make sense to just ditch this thing?


Koreas hold first talks in more than a year

Government officials from South Korea arrived in the North on Tuesday for the first inter-Korean talks in more than a year. The details surrounding the session were sketchy. The exact nature of the talks, their agenda and location were to be determined after the delegation’s arrival, a Unification Ministry official said.


Thailand revokes former PM Thaksin’s passport

Thailand’s government said Wednesday it has revoked the passport of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who it accuses of helping stoke anti-government hostility that flared into deadly street protests this week. The state-run Thai News Agency quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Tharit Charungwat saying Thaksin’s passport was annulled from April 12, when his supporters stormed a venue forcing the cancellation of a major Asian summit


Thai protesters suspend rallies

Thousands of protesters who had amassed for days outside the government headquarters in Bangkok dispersed Tuesday after a top leader called on them to suspend their rallies until after the Thai New Year celebrations. Soon after the leader, Veera Muksikapong, made his announcement, protesters left by foot or on motorcycles from the area around the Government House
