Woman Living in Fear of ‘Honor’ Death


A woman lives in fear of being killed for ‘honor’ after asking her husband for a divorce.

A woman “Zara” tells her story of fear from her husband and her family after asking for a divorce following years of dehumanization from her so-called husband. She asked that not even her hands be shown during the interview for fear of retribution from her family.

Zara moved with her husband to the UK, where he worked as a physician, he soon began berating her in front of her children and even going to far a to regularly rape his own wife. She requested separation from him, which he agreed upon. He told her they should first go back to their home country and settle their affairs, this is where she was met by 60 of her in-laws who shamed her and issued a death warrant upon her person. Telling her father it was his responsibility, she had shamed his family.

She now lives in hiding after being separated from her sons. She has left her culture behind and hoped for some peace and to one day be reunited with her sons.
