Every Olympian that lose is heartbroken, upset or angry. They face harsh comments, disappointment, and some times consequences but nothing can compare to North Korea’s punishment for losing competitors, especially for the ones that lose to rival countries like U.S and North Korea.
ABC reported Thursday that the state offers a carrot-and-stick approach to the Olympic Games; athletes can look forward to refrigerators, cars, and televisions when they win, and labor camp when they lose.
The rumors are unconfirmed, but ABC writes that “review meetings” after competitions often result in athletes’ expulsion from their sports organizations and assigned time in labor camps. North Korean Olympians going up against rival countries like the U.S. and South Korea have even more cause for concern.
Defectors described the North Korean labor camps as a place with harsh conditions, torture , starvation and executions. In these camps prisoners are forced to to do difficult physical labor such as mining, logging and agricultural work.