WATCH : Kitten crushes hard on puppy; they cuddle, you melt

Kitten named Mango and puppy named Milkshake canoodle

This is a kitten named Mango canoodling with a puppy named Milkshake. What else is there to say about this, people? Squee! Aw! OMG! They all come to mind, but seem oddly incapable of conveying what is truly magnificent about this clip. The level of adorability here is off-the-charts. The section about a minute in when Mango totes starts making out with Milkshake is DEFCON 1 level cuteness. Watching this makes you feel good. No, not good. Great. Great like someone wrapping you in the warmest blanket ever and feeding you ice cream and bacon and whiskey and massaging your feet. This could be your life all the time — if you live in L.A., you can adopt them. Which you should definitely do.
