Sho Yano, a 21-year-old medical student will graduate from The University of Chicago’s Medical School as the youngest to receive that degree in the Universities History.
Yano, with an IQ that cannot be measured accurately within the realms of the current testing practices, first crossed the threshold from childhood academia to college student at the age of 9. It was quickly very easy to tell that Yano was no ordinary child as the prodigy was reading at two, writing at three and composing music by the age of five and at nine he was already a concert pianist. When asked about the difficulty of attending college so young he said his only difficulty was in socializing with the adult students.
Yano parents were criticized by some for allowing him to attend college at nine, but the super friendly and ambitious student told an interviewer that it was his decision and if the pressure would have come from his parents or any other source he would have caved in.
Not just smart but humble, Sho says not expect anything more from him that you would his other classmates. He explains the only difference is he graduated a little sooner than his peers.