Top 5 feuding musicians

She’s reached records set by The Beatles, held on to the No.1 and No.2 spots in the US Billboard charts two weeks in a row, yet Iggy Azalea is creating news for a different reason.

The Australian rapper waded into new territory when she criticised the actions of fellow Antipodean music star, Lorde.

Azalea spoke out in a recent Billboard magazine article about Lorde’s recent performance with the surviving members of Nirvana at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Brooklyn.

“Nothing against her, but I think when you’re doing a tribute to someone that’s dead, generally it should be the person’s peer,” Azalea told the US magazine.

“Lorde is not Kurt Cobain’s peer. No matter if she killed the performance or not, I just don’t think it’s appropriate.”

Azalea’s comments in the article caused a bit of a stir. British music bible, NME, also ran a similar article saying Azalea had criticised Lorde’s performance.

However, in the midst of the media commentary, Azalea posted a Tweet disputing she was starting a fight with her peer.

“Lol I have a feud with lorde now I Don’t think so she’s my southern hemispheric soul sister. Keep reaching world,” Azalea tweeted.

Lorde has yet to wade in with her own comments, so a war of words has been avoided.

However, many before Azalea have not been so lucky:


After over 20 years years in the music industry, O’Connor felt she was imparting some words of wisdom to the young Cyrus.

“You have enough talent that you don’t need to let the music business make a prostitute of you,” she said, in an open letter to the US pop star.

However, Cyrus proved she wasn’t about to take advice from the Irish singer. Instead, Cyrus posted a screenshot of O’Connor’s tweets from 2012 when the singer, who has bi-polar disorder, was asking for psychiatrist recommendations.

Needless to say, O’Connor wasn’t happy with this lack of respect from the young singer, prompting more letters urging Cyrus to take down her tweets.

One thing’s for sure, Nothing Compares to a social media spat.


Before West married Kim Kardashian, he was fighting the good fight in favour of his best friend, Jay-Z’s wife, Beyonce.

Queen B doesn’t normally need somebody in her corner, the singer is On Top and she got there without West’s help. Yet, at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, West took it upon himself to storm the stage when Swift was awarded Best Female Video.

“I’m really happy for you. I’ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time,” he said while a gobsmacked Swift looked on.

However, the young singer took some time to gather herself and respond as only she knows how, through song.

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A year later, at the 2010 awards show, she performed her new song You’re Still an Innocent, with some very pointed lyrics: “Thirty-two and still growing up now/ who you are is not what you did/ you’re still an innocent.”


The Black Keys drummer, Patrick Carney, formed some formidable foes in the shape of an army of Beliebers when he landed himself in a feud with the mighty Biebs.

Caught on a video by TMZ, the drummer is heard responding to a question asking if Bieber should feel snubbed for not scoring a Grammy nomination in 2013.

“Grammys are for music, not for the money, and he’s making a lot of money. He should be happy.”

But Bieber responded with a tweet: “The Black Keys drummer should be slapped around haha” and that was enough to unleash the fury of the Beliebers.

After an onslaught of Bieber’s defensive fans took swipes at him, Carney responded in an article with Rolling Stone.

“Justin Bieber, like a f*****g irresponsible asshole, sicced 40 million Twitter followers on me because I paid him a compliment he didn’t understand.”

Carney is probably still sorting through the hate mail.


R&B star Ciara appeared on US TV show, Fashion Police, hosted by comedian Joan Rivers. She dared to diss RiRi on the show, saying she ran into the singer at a party and “she wasn’t the nicest”.

“It wasn’t the most pleasant run-in,” she continued.

It didn’t take Rihanna long to respond, and the singers ended up in a tit-for-tat Twitter war.

After Rihanna took a swipe at Ciara’s music sales, the Barbadian singer realised she probably went a bit too far and apologised via Twitter.

Ciara took the high road, suggesting the girls work it out in person. Wise words.


A vintage musical spat, that really seems so harmless in this day of Twitter trolls and social media bullies, but once upon a time Blur vs Oasis was all any one ever talked about.

It was a proper musical feud. These guys weren’t fighting over who said what, it was down to fundamentals: who was going to take out the No.1 spot.

It was the year 1995, the height of Britpop, and after some swiping at each other through the British media the bands decided to put their music where their mouths were.

A head-to-head musical fight ensued and Blur’s Country House battled Oasis’ Roll With It for chart supremacy.

Blur beat them to it but, musicians take note, these days Noel Gallagher (Oasis) and Damon Albarn (Blur) are surrounded by rumours of a possible musical collaboration.

Aww, isn’t it sweet how things work out

