Anime fan Anastasiya Shpagina has transformed herself into a living cartoon character, complete with miniature waist, vividly-coloured hair, and a defined pout.
Originally from the Ukraine, the 19-year-old takes style inspiration from the cartoons and computer animations that have a huge following in Japan, and has even adopted a Japanese name – Fukkacumi.
It is thought Shpagina may go even further in her efforts to achieve her desired look, with some reports claiming she intends to undergo surgery on her eyes to make her resemble her anime idols even more closely.
The anime cartoons and computer animations is very popular in Japan. The characters usually have huge eyes and heads, very disproportionate to the rest of their body, the news site reported. They also noted that Shpagina has already lost dramatic weight to resemble anime characters and is said to spend “30 minutes painstakingly applying her dramatic make-up to each one of her eyes.”