UK Pentagon hacker nears extradition to U.S.

British prosecutors said Thursday they will not seek charges against accused Pentagon hacker Gary McKinnon, which puts him one step closer to being extradited to the United States to face charges. The Crown Prosecution Service said its decision comes despite McKinnon’s admission that he broke the law and intentionally gained unauthorized access to computer systems


U.N.: 15,000 flee southern Darfur

Thousands of people have fled recent violence in south Darfur, seeking security and shelter at a refugee camp in north Darfur, the United Nations said Wednesday. The U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that fighting in Muhajeria and Shearia between Sudanese government forces, and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), drove over 15,000 people north to the Zam Zam camp. The water supply to the camp is becoming strained with displaced people arriving there every day, OCHA has said.


Japan posts record trade deficit

Grappling with its worst economic crisis since World War II, Japan posted a record $10.1 billion trade deficit in January, the Ministry of Finance reported Wednesday. It was the fourth straight month of deficits as exports of vehicles, auto parts, electronics and semiconductors slumped.


Obama puts forth ambitious agenda in speech

In his first speech to a joint session of Congress, President Obama outlined an ambitious agenda to revive the economy, saying it’s time to act boldly "to build a new foundation for lasting prosperity." Obama focused on the three priorities of the budget he will present to Congress later this week: energy, health care and education. The president said he sees his budget as a “vision for America — as a blueprint for our future,” but not something that will solve every problem or address every issue. Obama said his administration already has identified $2 trillion in government spending cuts that can be made over the next decade
