Commentary: Obama finds a world that blames U.S.

After firing the CEO of General Motors and putting Chrysler on a path that could lead to bankruptcy, the still-popular President Obama moved from the domestic battlefield to the international one. But the subject is the same, with no relief in sight: the woeful world economy


N. Korea warns Japan against targeting rocket

North Korea says it will attack the Japanese military and "major targets," if Japan shoots down a rocket Pyongyang plans to launch in the coming days, North Korea’s state-run news service, KCNA, reported Thursday. “If Japan recklessly ‘intercepts’ [North Korea’s] satellite for peaceful purposes, the [Korean People’s Army] will mercilessly deal deadly blows not only at the already deployed intercepting means but at major targets,” KCNA reported. Japan recently mobilized its missile defense system in response to the planned North Korean launch, Japanese officials said


McCain: Afghanistan challenge ‘not as tough’ as Iraq

While President Obama has insisted that securing Afghanistan against a rise in terrorist groups is a top priority in the war on terrorism, Sen. John McCain said Tuesday that the problems in that country are not as thorny as those in Iraq
