Israel: Iran results intensify threat

Israel warned Sunday that the apparent re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad represented "an intensification of the Iranian threat," and called for redoubled international efforts to halt its nuclear program. “After Ahmadinejad’s re-election, the international community must continue to act uncompromisingly to prevent the nuclearization of Iran, and to halt its activity in support of terror organizations and undermining stability in the Middle East,” Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said.


Venezuela to help Nicaragua after U.S. rebuff

Venezuela has promised to give Nicaragua $50 million to replace money that the United States said this week it would withhold from the Central American country, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Saavedra said Saturday. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez promised the aid after Ortega learned that the United States was canceling $62 million of aid that was to have come from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S.-government-funded anti-poverty fund set up by former President George W


U.S., Canada keeping close eye on Iran’s election outcome

The White House remained neutral on the re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, praising the spirited debate among voters, but joined Canada on Saturday in saying it is monitoring reports of irregularities. Ahmadinejad was declared the winner with 62.63 percent of the vote, but his chief rival, reformist Mir Hossein Moussavi, and his supporters are accusing the incumbent of voter intimidation and fraud. U.S


Manchester Utd edge closer to Valencia deal

Wigan Athletic have confirmed that negotiations over the transfer of winger Antonio Valencia to Manchester United are expected to start "very shortly". United have indentified 23-year-old Valencia as one of the players they want to bring in as a replacement to Real-Madrid bound Cristiano Ronaldo with a fee in the region of £17 million ($28m) being mooted. Wigan chairman Dave Whelan told Press Association Sport that the Premier League champions have made their interest in the Ecuadorian international winger known for “the last two or three months”.


Can Netanyahu Repair the Rift With the U.S.?

When an Israeli cabinet minister proposes that his country impose sanctions on the United States, his government is clearly in a state of distress. Pressure from the Obama Administration to freeze Israeli settlement construction and move toward a two-state peace with the Palestinians has reportedly spurred Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled to recommended that Israel shop outside the U.S.


Hate groups riled up, researchers say

Hate groups have intensified their rhetoric in recent months, but this new energy hasn’t necessarily translated to an increase in the rate of hate crimes in the U.S., according to some researchers. They also say that many white supremacist groups have been energized by a sour economy and the election of a black U.S


‘Elaborate’ drug tunnel found along Mexico border

Authorities have found a massive underground drug smuggling tunnel snaking through the U.S.-Mexican border, and law officers are marveling over its sophistication. “This is one of the most elaborate tunnels I’ve seen,” Border Patrol agent Michael Scioli said
