Uganda seeks to ban female circumcision

In many cases it’s a woman that grips the blade — maybe clean, maybe dirty — that cuts a girl’s path to womanhood. The cutter, who works for a fee, can pursue any number of surgical options for the young girl’s rite of passage. She can remove the girl’s clitoris entirely, narrow her vagina with stitches, or make other excisions of the girl’s genitalia.


In life of mysteries, Jackson’s changed color baffled public

In the wake of Michael Jackson’s memorial service, the key question of how the pop superstar died remains unanswered, awaiting an official report from the Los Angeles County coroner. But other mysteries abound, particularly related to Jackson’s appearance, which changed dramatically from his early adulthood. His features changed, and the color of his skin lightened significantly over the last two decades of his life


Ex-Goldman employee out on bail in code theft case

A former Goldman Sachs employee accused of stealing a proprietary computer code to the firm’s trading program is out on bail, according to court documents. The chairman of BP Capital Management announced Tuesday that his plans for the Pampa Wind Project, designed to generate 4,000 megawatts of electricity using thousands of wind turbines, is on hold. “I had hoped that Pampa would be the starting point, but transmission issues and the problem with the capital markets make that unfeasible at this point,” Pickens told CNN’s Ali Velshi


Honduras accepts mediation offer, Costa Rica says

Provisional Honduran President Roberto Micheletti has accepted an offer that an independent commission help broker an impasse over whether to allow the return of ousted President Jose Manual Zelaya, Costa Rica’s foreign ministry said Tuesday. Costa Rican President Oscar Arias offered to form a mediation panel with representatives from four or five countries. The development came as Zelaya, ousted by the Honduran military on June 28, met in Washington with U.S.


Honduran government vows to keep deposed president out

Authorities here closed the airport and restricted the airspace over the nation’s capital in anticipation of deposed President Jose Manuel Zelaya’s announced return Sunday. In an interview from Washington with Telesur TV, Zelaya said he was departing for Honduras on a plane with United Nations General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto.
