Drive-ins: An American Classic Reborn

As the sun slowly set on a recent night in June, 800 cars and a crowd of viewers in lawn chairs pulled up to one of the four screens on the 25-acre green of the Mission Tiki drive-in theater in Montclair, Calif. Lovestruck teens canoodled in back seats. Parents corralled children in minivans


Report: Moussavi’s brother-in-law detained

The wife of Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi spoke publicly about her brother’s detention for the first time Thursday, accusing the Islamic government of fueling false allegations about him, according to media report. Zahra Rahnavard told the semi-official Iranian Labour News Agency that her brother, Shahpour Kazemi, 62, was arrested a month ago


N. Korea: Clinton ‘funny lady, by no means intelligent’

North Korea launched a scathing personal attack on U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday after she likened the leadership in Pyongyang to "small children and unruly teenagers and people who are demanding attention." At a meeting of southeast Asian nations in Phuket, Thailand, a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman blasted Clinton for what he called a “spate of vulgar remarks unbecoming for her position everywhere she went since she was sworn in,” according to the state-run KCNA news agency. The spokesman called Clinton “by no means intelligent” and a “funny lady.” “Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping,” the statement said


U.N.: $4.8B needed to address humanitarian crises

The world may be facing a deep recession but the United Nations says it needs a record $4.8 billion more in humanitarian aid for 2009 because several crisis situations "deteriorated significantly" in the first half of the year. U.N. agencies will need $1.5 billion more than projected for a total of $9.8 billion in 2009, said John Holmes, the U.N.’s humanitarian chief.


Lebanese army says suspects were planning foreign attacks

The Lebanese army has arrested 10 suspected members of a terrorist network who the military believes were planning to attack targets abroad, the army said. Most of the suspects are not from Lebanon, said the army, which does not identify the network in the statement it released


State Department: North Korea’s direct threat to U.S. ‘infinitesimal’

The State Department on Monday continued to publicly downplay the threat North Korea presents to the United States with spokesman P.J. Crowley telling reporters North Korea "represents an infinitesimal threat to the United States directly." The spokesman’s statement followed comments from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an interview with ABC, broadcast Monday, in which she said the reason for the United States’ low-key reaction to North Korea’s recent missile test was that the United States wasn’t “going to give the North Koreans the satisfaction they were looking for, which was to elevate them to center stage.” In that interview, Clinton said North Korea has a “constant demand for attention,” and she added, “maybe it’s the mother in me, the experience I’ve had with small children and teenagers and people who are demanding attention: Don’t give it to them.” After calling the direct threat to the U.S
