In pictures: The Lahore attack on Sri Lankan cricket team

Prince, in an e-mail to employees and independent contractors, said Danielle Esposito will become chief operating officer and executive vice president. Esposito has worked for the firm and its partners for nearly 10 years. Blackwater/Xe’s president, Gary Jackson, is also retiring, Prince said


Working professionals head to food bank

Every Thursday afternoon, the San Geronimo Valley Community Center opens its doors to the needy. It becomes a food bank to serve the most vulnerable citizens of Marin County, California. Bread, fruit, canned vegetables, meat and cereal are all available for free.


Obama releases internal Bush Justice Department memos

The Obama administration Monday released nine previously secret internal Justice Department memos and opinions defining the legal limits of government power in combating terrorism. The Bush administration had refused to make the documents public, rejecting demands from congressional Democrats


Navy releases 9 suspected pirates, citing lack of evidence

The U.S. Navy released nine of the 16 suspected pirates it was holding on a ship for the last few weeks, according to defense officials. The pirates were released because the Navy did not have enough evidence to hand them over to Kenya for prosecution in court, in accordance with a recent agreement between the United States and Kenya, the officials explained.


Russia admits financial mistakes

Russia’s finance minister made a rare admission of responsibility Monday for the country’s severe economic crisis. The Russian government overspent its vast oil revenues in recent years, fueling inflation, and did not do enough to reduce the economy’s reliance on oil, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said in an exclusive CNN interview. “Of course, I too bear the responsibility for not managing to diversify the economy as much as we wanted,” Kudrin said


U.S. offers $900 million to Palestinians

The United States has offered more than $900 million to help the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Monday. “Only by acting now can we turn this crisis into an opportunity that moves us closer to our shared goals,” Clinton said at a Gaza donors conference hosted by Egypt in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh


Russia: 5 years lost due to financial crisis

Russia’s finance minister Monday made a rare admission of responsibility for the country’s severe economic crisis. The Russian government overspent its vast oil revenues in recent years, fueling inflation, and failed to diversify the national economy, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said in an exclusive CNN interview. Kremlin officials usually blame the West, and specifically the United States, for the global economic crisis
