The obligatory Matthew McConaughey scene as crucial to his fans as a Miley Cyrus song or a Seth Rogen penis joke is to theirs is the ritual removing of his shirt, to reveal a torso that could have been sculpted, or certainly caressed, by Michelangelo. The gesture is not so much an act of narcissism as a votive offering to his core constituency.
Tag Archives: time
Mind Games: The Dalai Lama Takes Harvard
Pink-Slip Trips: Get Laid Off, Go on Vacation
When Megan Maciejowski was laid off from her job at an investment bank at the end of 2008, she cleaned out her desk, retreated to her Venice Beach, Calif., apartment and started sprucing up her resume. Then the 33-year-old set aside some of her severance package and arranged to spend February in artsy San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Her goals for the trip were simple: to take an immersive Spanish class, do some painting, experience a new culture and generally relax
Evaluating Souter: A Strange Judicial Trip, Leaning Left
12 injured, 1 critically, in Dallas Cowboys practice arena collapse
An air-supported roof over the Dallas Cowboys’ practice field collapsed during a heavy thunderstorm Saturday afternoon, leaving 12 people injured, one critically, authorities said. About 70 people, including more than two dozen of the team’s rookies, were in the facility when it was blown down shortly before 3:30 p.m
‘Walking well’ flood hospitals with — or without — flu symptoms
Nearly 300 at Hong Kong hotel placed under quarantine
Murder Mystery: Who’s Killing Hungary’s Gypsies?
Jeno Koka’s killers shot him in the chest moments after he had bid good night to his wife Eva and stepped from his house on his way to a shift at the nearby pharmaceutical factory where he worked. The 54-year-old grandfather bled to death only a few paces from his doorstep. Although Koka’s wife said she never heard the shot that felled her husband, hundreds of thousands of others across Hungary did
Judging the Candidates to Replace Souter
Supreme Court Justice David Souter has long said that he wanted to leave the court and Washington. An intensely private native of small town New Hampshire, he has never warmed to the nation’s capital, socializing infrequently and focusing his energies on work and jogging after hours. While he has told many that he would stay on “for the duration,” most understood that to mean the tenure of Republican control in the White House.