Beijing’s Internet censors are on the rampage again. But this time the victims are not the country’s nearly 200 million surfers but one of the most-recognized names on the Web: Google. The search giant’s China operation, already struggling to compete with its domestic rivals, is the subject of a blistering and unprecedented wave of criticism by China’s official media, who have singled it out as having far more links to pornographic websites than its competitors.
Tag Archives: time
People on terrorist watch list allowed to buy guns
When people on the government’s terrorist watch list have tried to buy guns or explosives in recent years, the government has let them the vast majority of the time. That’s the finding of a new report by the Government Accountability Office, sent to lawmakers last month and released publicly Monday.
North Korea Tries to Ramp Up Its Lagging Tech Infrastructure
Returning home one spring five years ago from a secret visit to Beijing in his armored, fully wired train car, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il got an unnerving, firsthand demonstration of the potential downside of technology. A huge explosion ripped through the Ryongchon border station, and some officials initially thought it was an assassination attempt triggered by a cell phone. As it turned out, the fireball was more likely the result of two trains’ colliding nearby, possibly as a result of miscommunication about changed schedules stemming from Kim’s clandestine travels
Why Europe Is Talking Tougher than Obama on Iran
While President Obama has chosen a deliberately measured response to the contested Iranian election, European leaders have been far less restrained in their comments. On June 16, four days after the presidential election, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called the contested poll a “tragedy” and added that “the extent of the fraud is proportional to the violent reaction.” That same day, the Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, said the violence in the streets and the deaths of protesters were “unacceptable.” Three days later, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown referred to “the repression and the brutality” in Iran.
Fighting tears, shah’s son calls crisis a ‘moment of truth’
The son of the former shah of Iran called Monday for solidarity against Iran’s Islamic regime, warning that the democratic movement born out of the election crisis might not succeed without international support. “The moment of truth has arrived,” Reza Shah Pahlavi said at Washington’s National Press Club
Sexual assaults on the high seas come under scrutiny
It’s the midst of peak cruising season, and millions of travelers are eagerly embarking on exotic vacations without thinking they could ever fall victim to a crime at sea. But sexual and physical assaults were the leading crimes committed onboard cruise ships in recent years, the FBI says. In March, a 42-year-old female passenger aboard the Coral Princess says a Portuguese crew member sexually assaulted her during a cruise, according to an FBI affidavit
‘Synthetic tree’ claims to catch carbon in the air
Is India Living Up to Its Post-Mumbai Promises?
The terrorist attack on Mumbai last November, captured live on television throughout India and around the globe, was not the city’s first encounter with violence or terrorism. It was, however, a rude awakening for a city known for its high-glam Bollywood industry and for a nation that rightly takes pride in being the world’s largest democracy
Dolly Parton
No one would ever describe Dolly Parton as demure. With her sky-high hairdos, long red nails, memorable curves, and naughty sense of humor, Parton has a textbook case of bodaciousness. After receiving an honorary doctorate last month at the University of Tennessee, Dolly exclaimed: “Just think, I am Doctor Dolly
Reality bites for ‘Jon & Kate’
In the beginning, it was all about the children. Before there was the hit reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” there were just Jonathan and Kate Gosselin, an information technology analyst and registered nurse marginally known as the parents of what was believed to be only the second set of sextuplets born in Pennsylvania.