Victoria Beckham designs clothing while naked.
Tag Archives: tests
Education: Nature v. Nurture
What Breed of Dog Are You?
A Brief History of Standardized Testing
Massa gets green light from medics to test Ferrari
English lessons for India’s rickshaw drivers
Indian tourism authorities will be holding English classes for auto-rickshaw drivers in New Delhi as the city prepares to host the Commonwealth Games in 2010. More than 40,000 natural gas-fueled auto-rickshaws, or motorized three-wheeled taxis, run on the Indian capital’s dilapidated roads, according to the city government statistics
Stress Tests: Here to Stay?
Now that the bank stress tests are completed, is it time to plan another round? The government’s bank exams, the results of which were released last Thursday, seem to have calmed the market and paved the way for the nation’s largest financial firms to raise tens of billion of dollars. As a result, a number of academics and policy watchers are warming to the idea of making the stress tests permanent.