How One Army Town Copes With Post- Traumatic Stress

In retrospect, disneyland wasn’t an ideal family-vacation spot for Mark Waddell, a Navy SEAL commander whose valor in combat hid the fact that he was suffering from severe mental trauma. The noise of the careening rides, the shrieking kids–everything roused Waddell to a state of hypervigilance typical of his worst days in combat.


Fat-Bellied Monkeys Suggest Why Stress Sucks

It’s no secret that stress isn’t good for you. But what’s less clear is how social stressors like a high-pressure job or a failing marriage affect your physical well-being. Researchers at Wake Forest University who study stress in monkeys think they may have discovered a clue: fat.


Does Morgan Stanley Deserve to Be Free of TARP?

Hey Morgan Stanley, dost thou protest too much? The financial firm was the first to announce this week that it was among the ten banks approved to repay $68 billion in rescue money the companies had received from the Treasury Department last October. Since then, executives of Morgan have said that they thought the Stress Test was “appropriate” and that the financial crisis has bottomed.


Stress Tests: Here to Stay?

Now that the bank stress tests are completed, is it time to plan another round? The government’s bank exams, the results of which were released last Thursday, seem to have calmed the market and paved the way for the nation’s largest financial firms to raise tens of billion of dollars. As a result, a number of academics and policy watchers are warming to the idea of making the stress tests permanent.


Stress Tested: Has Geithner’s Bank Confidence Game Worked?

From his earliest days as Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner’s biggest challenge has been restoring confidence in America’s fragile banks without taking the politically costly step of asking Congress for more money. To judge by the results of the government-run stress tests released Thursday afternoon, Geithner has somehow pulled it off — at least for now. Not that three months of supervisory scrutiny of the country’s top 19 banks hasn’t produced some grim news.
