Noah, an aspiring singer from South Carolina, has tackled LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” and produced a unique cover that’s taking the Internet by storm.
Tag Archives: south-carolina
Loretta Robinson, Grieving Mother, Billed For Cleanup After Son Killed By Undocumented Drunk Driver
A South Carolina woman faced tragedy last June when a drunk driver killed her oldest son and then…… She gets a letter in the mail, apparently she has to pay the state back for cleaning her sons blood off the highway. Justin Walker, Robinson lost her son, Justin Walker, to an accident involving a drunk driver. […]
Disc jockey DJ AM dies
Fed up with multiple heists, police put suspect’s face on billboards
Abilene: Where Porn Fought the Law and Porn Won
Not so long ago, a family driving across Kansas on well-traveled I-70 would encounter nothing racier than a pecan log and nothing more hyped than the “world’s largest prairie dog.” Then porn came to the freeway. The surprising thing is that officials in the Bible Belt state are taking the invasion lying down.
Trying to Keep Cell Phones Out of Prison
Prison authorities used to have almost complete control over an inmate’s ability to communicate with the outside world. By checking their mail and parceling out telephone access — at scheduled times on easily and legally tapped landlines — communication for inmates was difficult and often expensive .
Tracking Michelle Obama’s slave roots
America’s Alcohol Laws: Quirky Rules Across 50 States
A town in fear as a killer is hunted
In this rural South Carolina town, a few summer schools began Monday, businesses opened following the July Fourth weekend, and the 13,000 residents sought to go about their business as usual. But the town — and the rest of Cherokee County, total population about 50,000 — is gripped with fear. Over the past nine days, a serial killer has left five people dead, police say.