Kayne lashes out at photographer

US police are investigating a scuffle between rapper Kanye West and a cameraman at Los Angeles International Airport, where paparazzi are known to lurk in hopes of snapping shots of celebrities. LAX Police Sergeant Steve Savala said numerous witnesses were being interviewed about the incident.


American defector Charles Jenkins

In 1965, U.S. Army Sergeant Charles Robert Jenkins deserted his post in South Korea and fled to the communist Northa move he now calls “the stupidest thing I have ever done.” He spent nearly four decades inside the Hermit Kingdom, as a lingering mystery of the cold war.


Sordid Details About Killings of 3 Afghan Civilians

Sordid Details About Killings of 3 Afghan Civilians Members of an American Army  unit consumed with drug use randomly chose Afghan civilians to kill and then failed to report the abuses out of fear they would suffer retaliation from their commander, according to testimony in military court here on Monday. The testimony, in a hearing […]


Viewpoint: The Stupidity of the Gates Arrest

Here is what the absurdist, typically stilted police language of Sergeant James Crowley’s official report on his arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates really means: Gates: You’re not the boss of me! Crowley: I am the boss of you. Gates: You are not the boss of me! Crowley: I’ll show you. You’re under arrest
