How U.S. Budget Cuts Prolong Global Slavery

Three days before the congressional elections last fall, Hillary Rodham Clinton stood halfway around the world, pledging to young victims of human trafficking at Cambodia’s s Siem Reap Center that they would continue to enjoy the support of the U.S. State Department, which then provided some $336,000 to the shelter.


The Nation: Pentagon Papers: The Secret War

To see the conflict and our part in it as a tragedy without villains, war crimes without criminals, lies without liars, espouses and promulgates a view of process, roles and motives that is not only grossly mistaken but which underwrites deceits that have served a succession of Presidents.


TAXATION: Spelling Bee

“Actually, any one who gives the matter unbiased consideration will realize that it is for the benefit of the rich to plug loopholes in tax laws, since this raises more revenues without raising rates.” With this neat bit of logic, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. last week opened the great 1937 hunt for rich tax dodgers launched so suddenly by him and Franklin Roosevelt early this month .
