Nationwide ‘tea party’ protests blast bailouts

Conservatives are showing they know their way around the Internet just as well as liberals, as hundreds of organized "tea party" protests are planned across the nation Wednesday. The protests are in part a backlash against what some view as excessive government spending and bailouts. Heralded on videos and blogs, the movement also appears, in part, a reflection of a general anger among people who contend the government takes too much from their pocketbooks


Protesters always early adopters of technology

Headlines proclaiming that G-20 activists and police are following each others’ activities on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites may give one the impression that a new age of surveillance and political activism has dawned. But activists’ use of technology is nothing new. Though Twitter and Facebook might be today’s must-have gadgets in campaigners’ toolboxes, some say they’re simply the latest chapter in a long tradition of activists’ use of technology to champion change.


‘Sick’ economy forces layoffs at New York hospital

A New York City hospital will lay off 240 employees, including doctors, nurses and management positions, because of the difficult economic times, the hospital announced in a statement Monday. The paper published its final print edition Tuesday as the P-I makes a transformation into an online-only news outlet. A skeleton crew of 20 to 25 staffers will remain at the new Seattle while more than 140 staffers will lose their jobs.
