Laid Off in Singapore: Ex-Pats Have to Downsize

On the northern fringe of Singapore, overlooking the slate gray waters of the Johore Strait, the public-housing project where Anthony Fulwood lives is so far from the city’s affluent expatriate enclaves that cabdrivers are stunned when he announces his address. ” ‘For God’s sake, why do you live there?’ they regularly ask me,” says Fulwood. ” ‘You’re white!’ ” Fulwood isn’t the only Western expatriate to take up residence in the cheaper peripheries of this Southeast Asian city.


Rick Warren’s New Magazine: A Publishing Leap of Faith

The high-risk, questionable venture is a staple of biblical narratives — Noah building the ark, the Israelites heading out into the wilderness without any provisions, the idea that a couple of loaves and fish could feed a crowd. So maybe Rick Warren was reading Scripture instead of the business pages when he decided to expand his ministry this year by launching a glossy new magazine with a $10 cover price. Purpose Driven Connection, which debuted last month and is published by the Reader’s Digest Association, is a leap of faith for Warren at a time when newspapers and magazines are under great financial strain.
