It’s become something of a club, and not a particularly exclusive one at that: promising political figures with presidential aspirations knocked dramatically off course by marital infidelity. The latest member is Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina. In a bracing news conference June 24, the 49-year-old confessed to an affair with an Argentine woman following a bizarre six-day disappearance that grabbed national headlines when his own staff and family claimed ignorance about his whereabouts
Tag Archives: people
Iran ambassador: Protesters represent a minority
The anti-government protesters who have streamed into streets across Iran to protest this month’s presidential elections as rigged represent a small minority of the nation, Iran’s ambassador to Mexico, Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri, said Wednesday. “The minority can’t impose their opinion on the majority,” Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri told CNN en Español.
Khamenei urges tolerance, Iranian media report
Iran’s Crisis: The Opposition Weighs Its Options
Iran’s political crisis would end pretty quickly if the opposition went toe-to-toe with the security forces — and no matter how courageous and determined the demonstrators, the likelihood of them toppling the regime on the streets right now is pretty remote. Although at least 30 and perhaps many more opposition supporters have been killed and hundreds have been arrested, the regime has used only a fraction of its capacity for violent suppression, and its security forces show no sign of wavering or splintering. The authorities have warned that defiance of bans on demonstration will no longer be tolerated, and reports out of Iran Tuesday suggested that the regime may be moving to arrest opposition presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi.
Clerics join Iran’s anti-government protests
A photo showing Iranian clerics prominently participating in an anti-government protest speaks volumes about the new face of Iran’s opposition movement. In a blatant act of defiance, a group of Mullahs took to the streets of Tehran, to protest election results that returned incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power
Obama toughens his talk on Iran
Ed McMahon dies at 86
Oasis from the ruins: Afghanistan opens first national park
Most days it is easy to think God may have forgotten about Afghanistan, but there can be a day when you feel like you are in heaven. We were invited by the United States Agency for International Development to witness the dedication of Afghanistan’s first national park: The Band-e-Amir National Park, a series of six crystal-blue lakes surrounded by heart-stopping cliffs and natural dams that capture the imagination. “‘If you look at the beauty,’ as we say in our language, ‘it’s poetry for your eyes, for your mind and for your soul,'” said the former Prince of Afghanistan, Mustafa Zahir, who attended the opening ceremony.
Death toll rises to 9 in D.C. Metro crash
John King: Clashes in Iran, disagreement in U.S.
The dramatic and at times deadly post-election fallout in Iran dominated the Sunday conversation. And as we watched more demonstrations on the streets of Tehran, the debate among key policy-makers in the United States centered on whether the Iranian regime was potentially near a tipping point and whether President Obama has been too cautious his handling of this major challenge.