The Sri Lankan government should immediately release more than 280,000 displaced Tamil civilians living in detention camps, a leading human rights group said Wednesday.
Tag Archives: people
Violence hits Iranian refugee camp in Iraq
Members of an Iranian group designated a terrorist organization by the United States and Iran say Iraqi forces attacked their camp Tuesday evening, killing at least four unarmed people and injuring about 385. However, an official with Iraq’s Interior Ministry said only 15 people were wounded by national police during a raid led by security forces at Camp Ashraf on orders from the government to take control of the city.
Stepping aside, Palin vows to ‘fight even harder’
U.S.: No more enemy body counts in Afghanistan
Are more women OK with watching porn?
Personally, I like my pizza deliveryman to do one thing: bring me my dinner. But mention this guy to a group of women, and, while most of us will think of cheesy pies with tomato sauce, a good number of us will conjure up that hilariously bad porn cliché, the randy fellow who’s always ready to accept sex in exchange for a medium sausage and mushroom
In the Loop: Stinging Strangelovean Satire
Was Robert Capa’s Famous Civil War Photo a Fake?
“If your pictures aren’t good enough,” Robert Capa once remarked, “then you’re not close enough.” For more than 35 years, Capa’s 1936 photograph “Death of a Militiaman” — arguably the most enduring image of the Spanish Civil War — commanded worldwide acclaim and helped establish Capa as the archetypal modern war photographer. But beginning in the 1970s, researchers and historians began to challenge the picture’s veracity and raise questions about Capa’s reputation: Did the famous photograph capture the militiaman at the moment of his death, or was it staged Now comes a claim that new and “indisputable” evidence determines once and for all that the photograph is a fake. “We tried to reconstruct the events exactly as they would have to have occurred for Capa’s photo to have been taken during a military conflict,” says Ernest Alos, the reporter for Cataluna’s daily El Periodico who has led the latest inquiry.
Ousted Honduran president arrives at border
Ousted Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya stood a mere feet from his country’s border Friday afternoon, surrounded by supporters as he attempted to fulfill a vow to return nearly a month after being removed by a military-led coup. Zelaya stopped about 100 yards short of the border and sat in his vehicle for several minutes under a strong rainstorm.
Slaughter at McDonald’s changed how police operate
‘Fit’ Prince William leads homeless teens up peak
Britain’s Prince William went hiking Friday with a group of homeless teenagers on a picturesque peak in northern England to raise awareness for two charities he patrons, spokespeople for the prince and one of the charities said. William, 27, was joined by six teenagers from Centrepoint, a charity for homeless young people, as they walked up Helvellyn, a mountain in the Cumbria region of northeastern England