Can Playing Video Games Slow Mental Decline in the Elderly?

If you or your parents are of a certain age, then you may understand the unique terror of suddenly drawing a blank — that unexpected moment when you can’t remember the name of a lifelong friend or what you had for lunch that day. You wonder, anxiously, “Have I stepped down the long, slow, inexorable road to losing my mind?”   There is, of course, no cure for memory loss, and no preventive vaccine


Small U.S. businesses thrive with Ethiopian woman’s help

Alfa Demmellash grew up on less than a dollar a day, and against the backdrop of torture and murder. But these days she’s living the American dream and helping others do the same. “Entrepreneurs are at the very heart of what the American dream is all about,” says Demmellash, a native of Ethiopia


Obama’s late-night slip teaches how words hurt

In a quick and clearly unscripted moment, President Obama exhibited the power of words during his history-making visit Thursday with Jay Leno. While joking on The Tonight Show about his bowling prowess (during last year’s campaign trail he shamefully scored 37 in a game), Obama said he’d been practicing at the White House lanes and boasted to Leno, “I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics or something.” The comment during the taping of the show prompted Obama to pick up the phone on Air Force One and call Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver to preemptively apologize for the remark before it hit television screens.
