How "Fresh" Is Air Freshener?

Watch enough TV commercials, and you get the sense that Americans are obsessed with air freshener. Trigger-happy women routinely rush around the house armed with cans of the stuff, gleefully spraying running shoes, embarrassed dogs and cigar-smoke-laden furniture; whole families, it seems, are intoxicated by the fresh scent of Summer Breeze or Berry Burst


Palin’s Pipeline to Nowhere?

In 2001, a burly anchorage longshoreman named Scott Heyworth turned up in the nearby town of Wasilla for a meeting with its mayor, Sarah Palin. Heyworth, a local Democratic activist, had grown tired of waiting for the Big Three oil companies to tap their huge natural-gas reserves in the state’s North Slope, the long swatch of northern Alaska tundra that includes the largest oil and gas fields in North America


Who Can’t Stop the Rain: Colombia’s Very, Very Wet 11 Months

In the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, a five-year-long downpour imprisons people in their homes, washes away the banana plantation and reduces the town of Macondo to ruins. But the deluge dreamed up by Colombian novelist Gabriel Garca Mrquez in his magical-realist masterpiece pales compared to the real-life flooding of his homeland now.
