Will Insurance Agents Be First Victims of Health Reform?

As Democrats on the campaign trail do their best to drum up support for health care reform by touting the benefits that take effect this year, it’s easy to forget that the full thrust of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act doesn’t kick in until 2014. But by then, a few major players in the health care industry might have already experienced a real downside of the massive overhaul, so much so that they may no longer exist


Childhood Hunger May Harm Long-Term Physical and Emotional Health

Going hungry is a major contributor to ill health, particularly among children, and a new report reveals how long-lasting the damage can be. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute and the University of Calgary performed the first long-term study on the effects of hunger on general health, tracking children from birth to 21 years.


What Makes Teens Tick

Five young men in sneakers and jeans troop into a waiting room at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md., and drape themselves all over the chairs in classic collapsed-teenager mode, trailing backpacks, a CD player and a laptop loaded with computer games.
