It was George W. Bush on the phone
Tag Archives: musharraf
Saudis pull plug on Lebanese TV station after lewd content is aired
Saudi Arabian officials have closed a second office of a Lebanese broadcasting network, this one in Riyadh, after the network aired an interview with a Saudi man who bragged about his sex life, authorities said. Pakistani police registered a case Tuesday against Musharraf over his order to arrest and detain judges in late 2007, the Pakistani High Commission in London said. As a result, “If Musharraf returned to Pakistan, he would face a court who would decide whether he is arrested or released on bail,” a spokeswoman for the High Commission said
Pakistan: Court says Musharraf’s actions ‘illegal’
The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Friday declared that the 2007 emergency decree imposed on the country by former President Pervez Musharraf was unconstitutional, Pakistan’s attorney general said. Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa said the court also ruled illegal all judicial appointments by Musharraf, who dismissed about 60 judges when he declared the state of emergency
Target Musharraf: Are Pakistan’s Activist Judges Helping or Hurting Democracy?
When General Pervez Musharraf stepped down as Pakistan’s president last year, he looked forward to a quiet life of golf, lucrative speaking engagements, and evenings clinking glasses and tugging on cigars with friends over a game of bridge. He certainly wasn’t expecting the summons issued on Wednesday by Pakistan’s Supreme Court to appear later this month and defend his November 2007 imposition of a state of emergency — when he sacked the very judges, led by the recently reinstated Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, who are now demanding answers from him. Musharraf’s resort to emergency rule was widely derided as a self-serving move by to stave off political challenges.
A Crisis Averted, but Pakistan Unrest May Not Be Over
Amid Pakistan Chaos, Musharraf Fancies a Comeback
When Pakistan’s civilian politicians united, last August, to force General-turned-President Pervez Musharraf from power, the moment was hailed as a democratic milestone in country long ruled by military men. But now, as the country’s two main political parties remain locked in an endless power struggle while Pakistan’s security and economic crises spiral dangerously out of control, Musharraf has stepped back into the public eye