Album reviews: Modern Vampires of the city – Vampire Weekend

MODERN VAMPIRES OF THE CITY Vampire Weekend (The Label/Rhythmethod) Lyrically these Vampires have certainly modernised for this third outing – ranging further from the college boy schtick on which they built their multi-platinum-sellers than regular fans might have imagined, or indeed hoped for. Now as lead man Ezra Koenig approaches the milestone of 30, he’s happy to tour religion and ageing in urban landscapes..


Sport: That Gibson Girl

Trapped on a swarming sector of Long Island where the backwash of Suburbia blurs into the edge of New York City, the West Side Tennis Club at Forest Hills is a green refuge from the crowded reality about it. Outside its high fences, the Long Island Rail Road rattles on its rounds and ordinary citizens endure the twice-daily war of commuting.


Tylenol’s Miracle Comeback

A year after the poisonings, public confidence is restoredOne year ago last week, James Burke made a decision that will probably be studied in business schools for a long time to come. Going against the advice of Government agents and some of his own colleagues, the chairman of Johnson & Johnson decided to spend whatever millions it would cost to recall 31 million bottles of Tylenol capsules from store shelves across the U.S


Mitch Daniels: The Rare Politician Telling It like It Is

A long time ago—I think it was at an annual meeting of the Christian Coalition in the mid-1990s—the Republican stalwart William Bennett introduced a parade of his party’s candidates for President by warning the audience to be wary of pandering politicians. “And if a candidate tells you only things you want to hear,” he said, “if he asks nothing of you, then give him nothing in return, certainly not your vote, because he is not telling you the truth.” The Bennett Test is my bright line for presidential cattle shows .


Study: Running Not so Bad for Your Joints After All

Perhaps because it seems intuitively true, the notion persists that running, especially when done long-term and over long distances, is bad for the joints. Indeed, it would be hard to think otherwise when with each foot strike, a runner’s knee withstands a force equal to eight times his or her body weight — for a 150-lb.
