Australian radio station
Tag Archives: legislation
Justin Bieber hits paparazzo with Ferrari
Gay Marriage: The Coming Clash of Civil and Religious Liberties
‘Parent Trigger’ Laws: Shutting Schools, Raising Controversy
Is Adoption the Solution?
To hear federal officials tell it, one of the best solutions to America’s foster-care crisis often boils down to one word: adoption. New figures released by the Department of Health and Human Services show that 46,000 foster-care children were legally adopted in 1999, a 28% increase from the previous year’s total
Brief History: Video-Game Violence
The Mammogram Melee: How Much Screening Is Best?
After the Health Vote, Republicans Plot Attack Strategy
The Senate’s first day of debate on sweeping legislation to overhaul the health-care system produced a squeaker of a vote exactly the 60 that majority leader Harry Reid needed to overcome a threatened Republican filibuster that could have blocked him from even bringing the bill to the floor. But it also gave a clear picture of the Republican messaging strategy as the legislation moves forward into what promises to be weeks of tendentious debate after the Thanksgiving recess.