Foreign News: Pressure at Berlin

When Nikita Khrushchev wants to be taken at full seriousness, he does not merely pop off at a diplomatic reception, he solemnly reads what he has to say.Last week, before 15,000 people gathered for a Russian-Polish friendship rally in Moscow's new Sports Palace, Khrushchev opened up what is obviously Russia's winter offensive in foreign policy. In a first hasty reading, the world took him to mean a new hot time in Berlin


Slogan hailing Stalin returns to metro station, draws scorn

Two sentences inscribed above the refurbished entrance hall of Moscow’s Kurskaya metro station are causing great agitation for survivors of Russian labor camps.Yuri Fidelgoldsh, who had five ribs removed after imprisonment six decades ago, is one of the offended survivors. “Stalin reared us on loyalty to the people,” says the inscription above the pristine marble floors of the metro station.
