Add the nation’s largest accounting firms to the list of watchdogs and regulators that didn’t catch the multibillion-dollar Madoff investment scam.
Tag Archives: investment
Foroohar: Can Localization Help the Economy?
Tis the season to be selfish. Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened in the 1930s after the Great Depression
Long-Distance Calling
The Capitalist Challenge: NEW IDEAS FOR INVESTMENT
HOW can we capitalize on the inherent desire of people all over the world that things should be done, wherever they can be done, by private enterprise?” This fundamental question was raised by David Lilienthal, onetime chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, now a consultant to foreign governments on their own development programs.
How Wall Street Fleeced the World
25-Min. Workweek on Zimbabwe’s Stock Exchange
Affordable Hedge Funds
One of the best ways to make money and reduce risk in today’s choppy market is through a classic hedge fund: one that bets on some stocks to go up and others to go down. Since January 2000, when the Dow peaked, hedge funds have risen 13% on average, while the typical stock has fallen 20%, reports Hennessee Group, a hedge-fund tracker
China’s Rising Production Costs Are a Boon for Other Asian States
In the midst of a steaming-hot Malaysian jungle, sweat-stained factory workers bend over their looms, threading copper into bales of cable wire that gets so hot, it must snake through culverts of water before it can be touched. The factory floor is awash in tea-colored light from windows smeared with soot