Betting the U.S. Government Won’t Pay Its Debts

It is one thing when someone can’t make a mortgage payment or a company cannot cover the interest on capital it borrowed to build a new factory. In a recession, those kinds of events are commonplace. It probably never crosses the mind of the average citizen that the ability of the U.S


City floating on the sea could be just 3 years away

A floating city off the coast of San Francisco may sound like science fiction, but it could be reality in the not-too-distant future. The Seasteading Institute already has drawn up plans for the construction of a homestead on the Pacific Ocean. One project engineer described the prototype as similar to a cruise ship, but from a distance the cities might look like oil-drilling platforms


Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say

It may seem obvious that men perceive women in sexy bathing suits as objects, but now there’s science to back it up. New research shows that, in men, the brain areas associated with handling tools and the intention to perform actions light up when viewing images of women in bikinis.


‘Fireproof’ is still generating heat

You don’t find many churches making theatrical films. You especially don’t find many churches making films starring Kirk Cameron about a firefighter in a crumbling marriage addicted to online porn. But that’s the case for Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia.
