While the recession hasn’t spared any age group, it’s been particularly brutal for older Americans who were counting on their nest eggs to last through their retirement years. To supplement their stash, an increasing number of seniors are turning to reverse mortgages, which function essentially as a cash advance on their home equity, repaid only when they sell their home or die
Tag Archives: homes
Police Open Fire on Protesters in Honduras
Honduras Coup: With Zelaya Ousted, Both Sides Protest
Bismarck: The Town the Recession Missed
Florida’s Property Taxes Go Wacky in Housing Slump
In Palm Beach County, Fla., buyers who find fire-sale bargains at foreclosed home auctions — picking up, say, $400,000 houses for $100,000 or less — are also realizing they’re required in many cases to pay the same property taxes, as if the homes were still valued at $400,000. In Miami-Dade County to the south, where one in four homeowners are 30 days or more behind in their mortgage payments, residents are bracing for what Mayor Carlos Alvarez says could be an imminent property tax hike to fill an almost $400 million budget hole — a move that veteran Miami realtors like Alex Shay insist would set recovery back.
Green walls: the growing success of ‘vegitecture’
Walk past the southern face of the Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, and you will be greeted by a massive wall of brilliant green foliage — an 8,600 square feet plant installation by the designer Patrick Blanc, featuring more than 170 different species. The mass of leaves and flowers seems to be swallowing the building — and provides a proud symbol of resurgent nature in this busy, downtown district.
Ask the Experts: 5 Steps to Clutter-Free Living
Iranian cleric urges firm punishment for protesters
Two weeks into turmoil, Iran’s leaders turned up the heat Friday as a high-ranking cleric warned protesters that they would be punished "firmly" and shown no mercy. “Rioters and those who mastermind the unrest must know the Iranian nation will not give in to pressure and accept the nullification of the election results,” said Ayatollah Ahmed Khatami during Friday prayers in Tehran, according to Iran’s state-run Press TV.
Hidden crisis haunts Pakistan fighting
Piled high with food, Minhaj Bahdar rides a rented motorbike back to his family’s temporary sanctuary away from the fighting between Pakistan’s army and the Taliban. The little motorbike struggles under the weight of food — 80 kilograms of wheat, 4kg of sugar, 1 kg of salt and 300 grams of tea. It sounds like a lot — but it has to last the Bahdar family one month