Catholic Church Fights Gay Marriage, Activists Regroup

When America’s Catholic bishops gather next week in Baltimore for a four-day conference, they will hear an update on the Catholic Church’s ongoing fight to convince the country that marriage as an institution should never include gay couples, and they’ll get a sneak peek at how that fight will be waged in the coming year. Videos aimed at priests and deacons are being produced in English and Spanish to give the pastors better tools to reach their parishioners, especially young people, whom the church fears need reminding about its basic teachings on marriage, love and sex.


IVF Study: Two Embryos No Better Than One

As the case of the so-called Octomom continues to spur outrage and debate over the use of in vitro fertilization in the U.S., new research suggests that the most effective and inexpensive IVF method may also be the least likely to result in dangerous multiple births.


Cloning: Where Do We Draw the Line?

When it finally happened — after years of ethical hand wringing and science- fiction fantasy — it was done in such a low-key way by researchers so quiet and self-effacing that the world nearly missed it. The landmark experiment was reported by Jerry Hall at a meeting of the American Fertility Society in Montreal three weeks ago.
