Teen Obesity: Lack of Exercise May Not Be to Blame

You don’t have to spend much time with teenagers to know that the average adolescent would rather devote an afternoon to sitting in front of the TV, computer or video-game console than working out in a gym. And in recent years, as physical-education classes have been progressively cut from cash-strapped public-school curriculums, teens have had even more time to lounge, slouch, hang out or do anything but break a sweat.


Jon Gosselin turns to Rabbi Shmuley

Jon Gosselin’s actions haven’t been too kosher lately. Boteach bills himself as “one of the world’s leading relationship experts and spiritual authorities.” According to his author bio in “The Michael Jackson Tapes,” Newsweek referred to him as “the most famous rabbi in America.” Among his achievements: a National Fatherhood Award.


Cooking Consensus: Will Wiki Work in the Kitchen?

We shocked the academic experts by writing excellent encyclopedia entries on Wikipedia, so why can’t amateurs, if we all work together, create perfect recipes? If enough of us discuss and debate our hamburger knowledge — our meat choices, cooking methods, spices, condiments, bread — then won’t our collective experience create the Platonic burger


Why the Pentagon Axed Its Afghanistan Warlord

Public beheadings in Afghanistan are usually associated with the Taliban, but on Monday it was Defense Secretary Robert Gates metaphorically wielding the ax from the Pentagon platform. Gates announced that he had asked for and received the resignation of his top commander in Afghanistan, Army General David McKiernan, after McKiernan spent only 11 months in that theater
