Drug overdose killed DJ AM, official says

Adam “DJ AM” Goldstein’s death last month was an accident caused by “acute intoxication” from a combination of cocaine and prescription drugs, the New York medical examiner said Tuesday. Goldstein’s body was found August 28 in his New York apartment with a crack pipe nearby and a half bag of crack cocaine and prescription drugs in the home, a police source told People.com.


The Incredible Shrinking Sheep of Scotland

News alert: the sheep of Scotland are shrinking! On Soay Island, off the western coast of Scotland, wild sheep are apparently defying the theory of evolution and progressively getting smaller. Why In short, because of climate change. Generally, the sheep’s life cycle goes like this: they fatten up on grass during the fertile, sunny summer; then the harsh winter comes, the grass disappears and the smallest, scrawniest sheep die off, while their bigger cousins survive


Older Drinkers Less Able to Judge When They’re Drunk

For all their admonitions about responsible drinking, it turns out that older adults aren’t as good as young ones about knowing when to stop. After drinking the same amount of alcohol as their younger counterparts, older adults are not only more impaired than younger ones, but less likely to believe they are. In a new study published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, researchers recruited 42 adults: half were between the ages of 50 and 74, and half were aged 25 to 35.
