Social networks provide new lessons in learning

As millions of students across the world go back to school this month, 178 students from 49 countries will turn on their computers and step onto the virtual campus of the world’s first global, tuition-free online university. Called University of the People, the non-profit, California-based endeavor comes from Israeli entrepreneur Shai Reshef who says he founded the school to provide higher education to those who might otherwise never have access to it.


Big leap in stray dogs as recession bites

The number of stray and abandoned dogs in the United Kingdom jumped by 11 percent in the past year — the biggest surge in a decade — possibly because of the financial crisis, a British dog charity said Wednesday. Dogs Trust said local authorities picked up 107,228 stray and abandoned dogs from British streets in the past year


Text of Obama speech to be released before school broadcast

The White House is set to release on Monday the text of a controversial back-to-school speech to students from President Obama that has angered some conservative parents and pundits. The text of the 18-minute speech will be posted on the White House Web site so people can read it before its scheduled Internet broadcast to schoolchildren Tuesday


Kerry Prepares to Protect Kennedy’s Legacy

Senator John Kerry, the new senior senator from Massachusetts, stood with his eyes closed, his right hand on Ted Kennedy’s flag-draped casket. Thirty seconds went by and, head bowed, Kerry crossed himself and stepped back. His hand reached toward the casket one last time for a final friendly pat


U.S. students behind in math, science, analysis says

American children aren’t necessarily getting smarter or dumber, but that might not be good enough to compete globally, according to numbers cited Tuesday by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. He noted a special analysis put out last week by the National Center for Education Statistics that compares 15-year-old U.S. students with students from other countries in the Organization for Economic Development
