Dougal Stevenson: The voice of authority

Jane Bowron of the Dominion Post once wrote of Dougal Stevenson: “His voice is authoritative. If there is an end-of-the-world broadcast kept in readiness for the final moments on Earth, I hope TVNZ has chosen Dougal to announce it.” The quote raises a hearty laugh from the man who did, indeed, become a voice of authority for a generation of Kiwi TV news viewers until the 1980s – so much so that Stevenson was an obvious choice to co-host I Was There, a Heartland TV series that reviews many of New Zealand history’s defining moments in four decades since the 1960s


Finally a Fun and Easy Way to Keep Bedbugs Away

  Are you suffering from bedbugs like hundreds of thousands of Americans? Bedbugs are increasingly becoming a problem within residences of like kinds, this wood tick looking small insects feed on blood, cause itching and irritate the human host.  They don’t  distinguish between clean or dirty homes and they are capable of feeding on other […]


Trying to Keep the Taps in California Running

Buildings may topple and lives may be lost if the Big One shakes the wrong part of California but another catastrophic consequence of an enormous earthquake in the San Francisco area may involve water. Two thirds of the state’s drinking water supply flows through the gigantic Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region east of San Francisco Bay — and the levees that help direct the massive amounts of water south to farmlands and cities are so antiquated that many may simply collapse with a major temblor.
