The first trailers for the Superman reboot Man of Steel have been sombre affairs: a lot of soulful staring and angst from our hero as he wanders the world searching for answers. The voiceovers and mournful wailing of the soundtrack are all very beautiful but if Warner Bros is to get bums on seats – and the latest tracking figures show that Man of Steel isn’t a must-see picture for audiences – then it needs to showcase a hero who can still punch throw walls and whizz about the heavens faster than speeding bullet
Tag Archives: destruction
The Clean Energy Scam
Brazil Unprepared to Prevent Rain-Season Floods; 400 Killed in Rio
When Will Obama Give Up the Bin Laden Ghost Hunt?
The Alabama Tornado: An Eyewitness Account from Tuscaloosa
As the sky grew darker and the winds reached furious levels, my family and I huddled in our small laundry room, watching on my laptop a local television station broadcast images of the tornado bearing down on us. By way of a camera on top of the county courthouse, we saw the massive twister cut a path of destruction through the middle of Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Lost and Found: Afghan Treasures Reunite at the British Museum
In the minds of many outside the country, Afghanistan occupies a space somewhere between war and chaos. But millennia before the Soviet invasion kicked off 30 years of conflict and upheaval, and well before the Taliban began to brutalize its own people, Afghanistan flourished as a hub along the Silk Road
Ketsana death toll approaches 300
Terror suspect planned to attack on September 11, prosecutor says
An Afghan native facing terrorism charges planned to bomb a target in New York on the anniversary of the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001, a federal prosecutor said Friday. Najibullah Zazi intended to be in New York “with the intent of using” a bomb on September 11, federal prosecutor Tim Neff said during a court hearing Friday.
U.S. terror suspect indicted on bomb conspiracy charge
Paul Slansky’s News Index: This Preposterous Week
Aiken, Clay •Adam Lambert is not enjoyed by, and apparently not because of his ambiguous sexuality Blagojevich, Patti •acceptance by of NBC offer to appear on Costa Rican jungle-based reality show that husband of was unable to appear on due to being under indictment Bush, George W. •shredding of the preposterous endlessly repeated meme that the nation was “kept safe” by, a quintessentially ludicrous claim given that, among other ignominious fiascos, the worst attack on American soil, the destruction of a major American city, and the collapse of the American economy all occurred under the “watch” of •speeches by Obama and Cheney are not seen as essential viewing by carbon dioxide •potential danger of to the environment is pooh-poohed by conservatives because “we breathe” it and “we are made of carbon” Carter, Graydon •Brooke Astor’s question to — “Have you seen Graydon Carter” — is recalled by Cheney, Dick •criticism of torture is dismissed by as “contrived indignation,” “phony moralizing” and “feigned outrage” •”snarling” fear-mongering speech by is pepper-sprayed with repeated references to “danger,” “threat,” “attack” and a Giuliani-esque two dozen-plus mentions of “9/11” Democrats •preternatural spinelessness of euphemisms •use of by Obama “to obscure the debate over national security” is scoffed at by Cheney, whose description of torture as “enhanced interrogation methods” has now been topped by the even less specific “unpleasant things” Gates, Defense Secretary Robert •first name of is gotten wrong time and time and time again gay marriage •replacement of abortion by as hot-button issue in upcoming Supreme Court confirmation hearings Goldberg, Whoopi •Glenn Beck is called a “lying sack of dog mess” by Gordon, Lucy •suicide of Grey, Brad •wife of signs papers finalizing divorce from with a smiley face Jackson, Michael •beginning of comeback tour is, of course, postponed Kennedy, Sen