LOVELY REPRISES VOL 2 Claude Challe/Jean Marc-Challe (Border) French DJ and nightclub owner Claude Challe, the undisputed pioneer of chillout music for the global departure lounge, has seemingly been preparing to pass on the family badge of honour to son Jean-Marc for well on a decade. Lovely Reprises Vol 2 is ostensibly a Jean-Marc compilation but still carries the stamp of his father not just in name – Claude Challe presents – but also in track selection
Tag Archives: compilation
Katchafire already Bears’ essentials
Daft Punk stormtroopering the world
Short songs with lots of mystery
When John Linnell and John Flansburgh were kids in Lincoln, Massachusetts, they used to love those cheap and cheerful TV ads for top-40 compilation records. Remember the K-tel pitch Twenty original artists, 20 original hits, with tiny grabs of each lined up to ring in your brain like rapid-fire sugar hits.