Races: Revolt of the Mexicans

In the central square of Crystal City stands a statue of Popeye, a symbol of the town's claim that it is “the spinach capital of the world.” Otherwise, Crystal City is like a lot of other farm towns in South Texas. Mexican-Americans outnumber Anglo-Americans four to one, but the Anglos run the place.Last week, with Texas Rangers standing by to keep order, hundreds of Crystal City Mexicans gathered round the statue of Popeye


Report: Guatemala Lawyer Plotted His Own Assassination

Rodrigo Rosenberg became a household name in Guatemala after he posthumously accused the President and First Lady of ordering his Mother’s Day murder last year. His words, left behind in a video taped days before he was shot to death on a tree-lined boulevard, sent tens of thousands of protesters into the streets and sparked youth-led reform movements.



The congressional investigation of Communists turned last week from a story of espionage to a story of Communists in high places in Government. The course was changed by the testimony of a soft-voiced ex-Communist, who sat down before the House Un-American Activities Committee and calmly told a tale of high powered plotting in New Deal days.He was Whittaker Chambers, 47, for 13 years a member and “paid functionary” of the Communist Party, a strong anti-Communist since 1937
