Proof of ancient Malaysian civilization found

Researchers with a Malaysian university said they have uncovered evidence of an iron industry that dates to the 3rd Century, A.D., and proves that ancient civilizations in Southeast Asia were more advanced than once thought. In its annual report on human rights, the U.N. warned conditions were deteriorating in the war-ravaged country despite U.S.-led efforts after the 2001 removal from power of the hardline militia.


Report: More young girls face rape in Afghanistan

Rapes targeting girls as young as seven are on the increase in Afghanistan where conditions for women are little better than under the Taliban, the U.N. and rights groups say. In its annual report on human rights, the U.N


Michael Jackson’s London Concerts: The ‘Final Curtain Call’

For days rumors have circulated that Michael Jackson was startin’ somethin’. And Thursday afternoon, before a couple of thousand screaming fans at London’s 02 arena, the King of Pop revealed what has been referred to as “the worst kept secret in the world”


Lawyer: Soldier to be discharged after reporting for duty with kids

A soldier who reported for duty with her children in tow has been granted her request for a discharge, her lawyer said Monday. Lisa Pagan, of Davidson, North Carolina, reported for duty Monday morning at Fort Benning, Georgia, with her two preschool children


Film Festival for Kids: High on Art, Low on Pandas

The New York International Children’s Film Festival , which opens this weekend, is the biggest children’s film festival in the U.S. This is not the kind of event where they screen Dr Seuss’ Horton Hears Another Who or Madagascar 3: Botswanarama! This is a venue for those budding cineastes between the ages of 3 and 18 for whom this weekend could not be complete without screening a film in the Children and War series — or another of the challenging entertainments chosen by the festival jury, which includes John Turturro, Susan Sarandon and Gus Van Sant. You can’t help feeling that if Rush Limbaugh were to come up with his fantasy politically-correct liberal-media-élite pile-on, it would sound a lot like a planning session for the NYICFF.


Disabled kids show host draws criticism, praise

A children’s show host who was born with one hand is facing criticism from parents over her disability. BBC spokeswoman Katya Mira said the corporation has received at least 25 “official” complaints recently about Cerrie Burnell, new host of two shows on the BBC-run CBeebies television network, which is aimed at children younger than six.


Young ‘Slumdog’ stars back in Mumbai slums

On Sunday night, Azharuddin Ismail and Rubina Ali were in Hollywood, California, getting celebrity treatment as eight Oscars were awarded to the movie they starred in, "Slumdog Millionaire." Thursday night, the two children were sleeping at home in Mumbai, India. Azharuddin sleeps under a plastic sheet in a shantytown beside a railway track, where the smell of urine and cow dung lingers in the air.
