BELGIUM: Achille’s Heel

“Smiling Achille” van Acker went to his native Bruges to celebrate 25 years of happy marriage. Then he came back to Brussels to face a crisis in the uneasy union of Socialists, Liberals and Communists which he had held in precarious balance for three months.It was a member of his own Socialist party, Senator Henri Rolin, stubbornly fighting Minister of Justice Adolphe van Glabbeke over a secondary juridical matter, who brought about the downfall of Premier van Acker's Government


9 small money steps that pay off big

Huge, scary numbers are lurking everywhere these days: The massive federal bailout (now on the taxpayers’ tab)…the unemployment rate, which is now at a 26-year high…that daunting sum you are constantly told you will need if you want to retire comfortably…the six-figure mortgage balance you barely chip away at each month.


Bill Clinton: ‘Vast right-wing conspiracy’ as ‘virulent’ as ever

The “vast right-wing conspiracy” that attacked him during his presidency has been weakened, but continues to operate against President Obama, former President Clinton said Sunday. On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Clinton was asked about the term his wife Hillary Clinton, now secretary of state, famously coined


JAL cuts routes in bid to draw funds

Japan Airlines is to cut 6,800 jobs, slash its network of overseas routes and withdraw from some airports as it seeks to attract the funding it needs to repair its balance sheet. Haruka Nishimatsu, JAL’s president, also said that the company aims to agree on a capital injection from a foreign rival by mid-October
