Our marriages often provoke us to throw the china and utter the unforgivables. The context is usually personal, not political, but either way, passions run high.
Tag Archives: activists
Getting Smart at Being Good…Are Companies Better Off for It?
Embracing the Enemy is Good Business
China Cracks Down After ‘Jasmine Revolution’ Protest Call
The anonymous call for a “jasmine revolution” in China’s major cities was made online, first on a website run by overseas dissidents, then on Twitter, which despite being blocked is still widely used by activists in China. But unlike what happened in Tunisia and Egypt, where such efforts prompted massive street protests that eventually toppled both governments, the biggest response in China was from the state.
What’s Behind Thailand’s Lèse Majesté Crackdown?
In Thailand it’s often referred to, usually in hushed tones, as “the institution.” In a land where the holy trinity consists of nation, religion and king, talking about the monarchy, except in terms of adulation, can be risky business. Political activists, university professors, webmasters and now even a U.S
Syria Critical of Obama’s Middle East Speech Warning Assad
The Revolution Will Be YouTubed: Syria’s Video Rebels
A Brief History of: Gay Marriage
Mohamed ElBaradei: The Next President of Egypt?
Is Nothing Sacred?
International animal-rights activists accuse India of showing uncharacteristic cruelty toward its cows By MASEEH RAHMAN New Delhi Mahatma Gandhi believed that a nation could be judged by the way it treats its animals. If that yardstick were applied to his own country today, India would be in the doghouse.