Ashton Kutcher fulfills promise, pranks CNN

The scene was more reminiscent of a Hollywood production than an elaborate prank by the Punk’d-master himself. Ashton Kutcher, along with his wife, Demi Moore, dropped by Atlanta, Georgia’s CNN Center on Wednesday to fulfill his promise to “ding-dong-ditch” CNN founder Ted Turner’s house after winning last April’s race to attract 1 million followers on the micro-blogging site Twitter. With the precision of a Hollywood director, Kutcher barked into his two-way radio as his light and sound crews followed with the Twitter entourage hot on their heels and an Internet audience watching on Ustream.


EU leaders in emergency economic summit

European Union leaders were meeting Sunday for an emergency summit in Brussels amid growing fears that national protectionism will sabotage coordinated efforts to reverse the current economic decline. The summit, called by Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, will address the ways in which the individual member states implement their recovery plan and fight the impact of the financial crisis. The meeting follows French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s promise last week to bail out his country’s auto industry if it did not move jobs out of France.
