Can Ethical Foie Gras Happen in America?

Crouching in a verdant pasture in the early summer sun, Eduardo Sousa plucks a few blades of grass and extends them toward a flock of geese. “Hello, my darlings,” he coos. “Hello, hello, hello.” It is the Spanish farmer’s first visit to the Stone Barns Center, a farm and education center dedicated to sustainable agriculture in Pocantico Hills, some 30 miles north of New York City, and Sousa is impressed with what he sees


China Casts an Acquisitive Eye on U.S. Assets

At $1.95 trillion, China’s international reserves are more than enough to fund America’s entire budget deficit next year, which the U.S. Treasury estimates will reach $1.3 trillion because of the government’s massive stimulus spending. There is no direct correlation between these two numbers, but they highlight a reversal of fortune.
