Pro-Georgia blogger ‘George’ target of Twitter attack

A blogger believed to be the target of the attack that brought down Twitter Thursday has told CNN the cyber assault was politically motivated and timed to coincide with the one year anniversary of the Russia-Georgia conflict. “Cyxymu” has identified himself to CNN as “George,” and the owner of the Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal accounts named by Facebook’s security officer as being the target of a co-ordinated online attack. George told CNN in an e-mail his username is “the name of my home town, the capital of Apkhazia (Sokhumi) written in Russian and typed in Latin letters.” He confirmed he is 34 years old and based in Tblisi, Georgia, but declined to give further information which may reveal his identity.


U.S., Britain: We’re not deterred in Afghanistan

The United States and Britain said Wednesday they are committed to remaining in Afghanistan, despite increased military casualties and declining public support for the war effort. “We went into this together, and we will work it through together because we are stronger together,” British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said after a half day of talks at the State Department with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton


A Genetic Link Between Anorexia and Autism?

At the Eating Disorders Unit at the Maudsley Hospital in London, anorexia is not seen as a social disorder — or even primarily a psychological one. While most American treatment providers blame perfection-seeking parents and the media’s idealization of hollow-cheeked actresses for eating disorders , researchers at Maudsley believe the root cause has little to do with social pressure.


Texas family quarantined after son contracts swine flu

As Hayden Henshaw was being rushed to the doctor’s office after becoming ill, his father heard that his son’s classmates had been struck with the deadly swine flu virus like the one sweeping through Mexico. Patrick Henshaw called his wife immediately to have Hayden checked for it. Later, they received the bad news


Suicide car bomber kills seven in Pakistan

A suicide car bomber rammed his vehicle into a police car on the outskirts of Peshawar Saturday, killing seven security personnel. But two high-ranking officers are doing just that, hoping that by going public they can remove the stigma that many soldiers say keeps them from getting help for post-traumatic stress disorder.
