Is India Living Up to Its Post-Mumbai Promises?

The terrorist attack on Mumbai last November, captured live on television throughout India and around the globe, was not the city’s first encounter with violence or terrorism. It was, however, a rude awakening for a city known for its high-glam Bollywood industry and for a nation that rightly takes pride in being the world’s largest democracy


Rare disease patients priced out of drugs market

The 1992 Hollywood movie "Lorenzo’s Oil," depicts the true story of Lorenzo, a five-year-old boy who suffered from adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare and incurable disease that slowly destroys the entire nervous system. The movie showed how Lorenzo’s grave physical and mental decline was finally stopped when his tireless parents found a treatment based on a mixture of oils, despite skepticism from doctors. The film illustrated perfectly the struggle faced by patients suffering from any of 6,000 known rare conditions worldwide, generally known as orphan diseases


Will The Housing Bubble Burst in 2007?

Sin ce early 2000, economists have been sounding the housing bubble alarm with increasing urgency. And while many markets around the country have seen prices drop in the last year, the dire, across-the-board correction that many predicted has yet to materialize
