Swedish Scientist Release The Findings of Their “Deep Sea” Alien Hunt


Swedish explorers have all but completely put to rest any speculations regarding a spaceship at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. However, they are yet to identify the mysterious object they were looking for.


Digital pictures that have been obtained from the team showing that the object, located beneath the waves of the Baltic between Sweden and Finland, a “natural, geological formation,” by Peter Lindberg, the leader of the Ocean Explorer team.

“It’s not obviously an alien spacecraft. It’s not made of metal,” Lindberg reported. Lindberg  did say he didn’t think it to be completely impossible to thing aliens may have made their space crafts from something  meteors or rocks. “Who says they had to use metal?” he joked. “This trip has raised a lot of questions.”

On June 1, 2012, Lindberg, his partner Dennis Asberg, along with other scientists and divers explored the 200-foot wide object under the Baltic, that they had first discovered a year ago on sonar. At their disposal was a robot camera, sonar and deep sea divers, this time, Lindberg and Asberg spent nearly two weeks probing the object and its environs.

Scientists are continuing to exam the finding from the expedition, but it appears like a giant stone, “the kind divers see in keys and harbors”  one that seems to originate from before the Ice Age, Lindberg said. The main object was not the only thing seen by the explorers. “There are other, loose stones lying around as well,” he added. “The formation of rocks is 60 meters in diameter.”

While this unidentified may not have been a flying saucer, it is still a mystery.

Lindberg told fox news regarding the mystery surrounding the object:

“The odd thing about the discovery is that there is no silt on the rock, for example; it would ordinarily be covered with silt on the bottom of the sea, Lindberg said. Even more odd for a seemingly natural formation, the main object is disc-shaped and “appears to have construction lines and boxes drawn on it,” Lindberg said. “There are also straight edges.The divers were limited in what they could see by their lighting technology. This gave them an illumination of only one meter at the most. Sonar was used to explore the object as well.The surface has cracks on it,” said Lindberg. “There is some black material in the cracks, but we don’t know what it is.Adding to the mystery, there appears to be a pillar which is holding up the 200 foot wide object,” said Lindberg. “The pillar is eight meters high,” he added.


The Swedish population is rather nonchalant about the whole thing but they say “The Americans and Japanese are quite exited”


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